Video Tutorial


Please note: since this video tutorial was posted, there have been updates to the tool interface and features. An updated tutorial will be posted soon.

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Liquid Cinema automatically disables the vertical component of a Forced Perspective event for VR platforms as this would cause the horizon to shift up or down for the viewer. You will therefore notice that the ENABLE checkmark next to VERTICAL ROTATION in the CAMERA EVENT EDITOR is always grayed out on VR platforms.

FAQ – Forced Perspective

  • How does Forced Perspective work in VR?

    Forced Perspective works very well in VR. However, in VR  Liquid Cinema suppresses the vertical forced perspective, as this would shift the horizon and be disconcerting for the viewer.

    This behaviour is reflected in the Camera Panel where the vertical forced perspective check box is grayed for the VR platforms.


  • Can I use Forced Perspective only on a Cut?

    You can use Forced Perspective on any frame in a film, but it works best on a cut. You can use a Forced Perspective in the middle of a shot as well but you have to add Exclusion Zones to avoid jarring jump cuts. This type of Forced Perspective is called Conditional Forced Perspective. Click here to learn about Conditional Forced Perspective and Exclusion Zones.

  • Can I use Forced Perspective with a Dissolve?

    In general Forced Perspective does not work with dissolves. The incoming shot is rotated by the player to the preconfigured perspective that was authored by the filmmaker, regardless of the orientation of the outgoing shot. If the two shots are connected through a dissolve in the footage their orientations relative to each other are essentially locked.

  • Doesn’t Forced Perspective go against the whole idea of leaving a viewer free to look where they want to?

    The viewer is always free to look around where they want to, even when Forced Perspective is applied. Nobody feels “forced” or coerced during the viewing experience. We have been using Forced Perspective for years and it is so seamless that no one ever noticed that it was happening. What they did notice is that they never missed any “important” moments anymore.

  • Do I have to use Forced Perspective?

    Using Forced Perspective is entirely optional and up to the filmmaker. Forced Perspective is applied to a specific frame using the Camera Event Editor. If no Forced Perspective is authored on a cut no forced perspective is applied.

    To disable a Forced Perspective on a camera event simply uncheck the HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL Forced Perspective checkboxes. The Forced Perspective will not be executed.


FAQ – Field of View (FOV)

  • Why would I want to change the FOV at a given frame in the timeline?

    In Liquid Cinema you can change the FOV at any frame. FOV has an impact on how we feel about a shot. The higher the FOV the wider the lens looks to the viewer. This can make a landscape look more epic. In some cases a wider FOV will also make the shot more crips looking as more resolution gets packed into the screen width. In most cases you will want to apply the new FOV at the beginning of a shot and keep it until the end of the shot. The FOV then helps define the look of that shot. Changing FOV makes the most sense on platforms where the 360 video is being viewed on the flat screen.

  • Why can’t I change the FOV on some platforms?

    On some platforms you cannot change the FOV. This is mostly true for VR platforms where the FOV is a fixed value defined by the viewing device. In general VR HMD’s like the Oculus Rift, the GearVR and the HTC VIVE have fixed FOV’s.